>>>>>[What we have here is a capsule note on the Omaha 'plex in 2077. It's not by any means a complete entry here of our humble little sprawl on the prairie. It's not all orks and trolls wearing cowboy hats, drinking drek beer and listening to country music, and it certainly isn't humans and elves living it up in West O. In the 223 years
since it was founded, it’s become something more than just a cowtown. Big Red and I'll be updating the database in the near future...]<<<<< - Darksylvre, Sysop (3:22:41/09-22-77)
>>>>>[What's this "we" drek?]<<<<< - Big Red, Sysadmin (3:25:00/09-22-77)
>>>>>[He's kidding. Really. Still, the Awakening created a new frontier and Omaha is on the Edge once
again. Not even the SURGE and Crash 2.0 could keep this town down!]<<<<< - Darksylvre, Sysop (3:28:20/09-22-77)
Population: 1,760,562
Population: 1,760,562
Human: 83% (roughly 1,461,266)
White: 83%
Jewish: 2%
Irish: 7%
Italian: 3%
English: 4%
Czech: 3%
German: 18%
Polish: 3%
Swedish: 2%
Black: 13%
Hispanic: 3%
Puerto Rican: 3%
Aztlaner: 83%
Cuban: 2%
Asian: 1%
Chinese: 19%
Vietnamese: 8%
Asian Indian: 14%
Japanese: 15%
Filipino: 12%
Korean: 13%
Hmong: 4%
Hawai'ian: 2%
Guamanian: 2%
Amerindian: 1%
Elf: 2%
Dwarf: 1%
Ork: 14%
Troll: <1%
Other: 1%
Source: The Shadowrun Wiki